A pilot: Discover research from Wiley, ACS, RSC, Taylor & Francis and Elsevier
To help researchers find relevant academic papers more efficiently, Elsevier is conducting a joint pilot with American Chemical Society (ACS), Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and the Royal Society of Chemistry to make selected articles discoverable through ScienceDirect. ScienceDirect is an essential information resource for over 15,000,000 scientists worldwide, and home to many highly respected journals and prestigious society titles.
During the pilot, researchers will be able to search and browse across more than 70,000 articles in 35 journals from participating publishers, alongside Elsevier content on ScienceDirect.
The pilot brings together each publisher’s unique and high impact academic journal content with ScienceDirect’s capabilities in research dissemination and advanced features for discoverability.
Easy Access to Full Text
Where available, access to entitled content will be facilitated using GetFTR, a new, free to use solution that enables faster access for researchers to the published journal articles they need.
Below are the 35 journals from participating publishers included in the pilot:
American Chemical Society
Royal Society of Chemistry
Taylor & Francis|Transportation
Taylor & Francis|Organic Chemistry
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
Synthetic Communications
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements
Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
Organic Preparations and Procedures International
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization
Natural Product Research
Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
Journal of Asian Natural Products