Volume 176

In progress (April 2022)

This issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable.

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  1. The nutritional and sensory quality of seafood in a changing climate

    Article 105590
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  2. Large-scale connectivity of the sandy beach clam Mesodesma mactroides along the Atlantic coast of South America, and climate change implications

    Article 105591
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  3. A spatially-modelled snapshot of future marine macroalgal assemblages in southern Europe: Towards a broader Mediterranean region?

    Article 105592
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  4. Variability and distribution of parasites, pathologies and their effect on wild mussels (Mytilus sp) in different environments along a wide latitudinal span in the Northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans

    Article 105585
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ISSN: 0141-1136