Cover for The Autoimmune Diseases

The Autoimmune Diseases

Book • Fourth Edition2006

Edited by:

Noel R. Rose and Ian R. Mackay

The Autoimmune Diseases

Book • Fourth Edition2006


Cover for The Autoimmune Diseases

Edited by:

Noel R. Rose and Ian R. Mackay

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Since publication of the Third Edition in 1998, the understanding of the immune mechanisms underlying autoimmunity and autoimmune disease has significantly deepened and broadened. ... read full description

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    Pages 1095-1134

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    Page 1134

About the book


Since publication of the Third Edition in 1998, the understanding of the immune mechanisms underlying autoimmunity and autoimmune disease has significantly deepened and broadened. This Fourth Edition incorporates new material and combines common themes underlying inductive and effector mechanisms and therapies that relate generally to the autoimmune disorders. It discusses the biological basis of disease at genetic, molecular, cellular, and epidemiologic levels.

Since publication of the Third Edition in 1998, the understanding of the immune mechanisms underlying autoimmunity and autoimmune disease has significantly deepened and broadened. This Fourth Edition incorporates new material and combines common themes underlying inductive and effector mechanisms and therapies that relate generally to the autoimmune disorders. It discusses the biological basis of disease at genetic, molecular, cellular, and epidemiologic levels.

Key Features

New to This Edition:
* Tissue-specific interventions to arrest or "cure" autoimmune disease
* Bone marrow eradication and replacement
* Both basic science and clinical medicine is covered
* Boxed points to emphasize key features of each chapter

New to This Edition:
* Tissue-specific interventions to arrest or "cure" autoimmune disease
* Bone marrow eradication and replacement
* Both basic science and clinical medicine is covered
* Boxed points to emphasize key features of each chapter









Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


Academic Press

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Noel R. Rose

Departments of Pathology and of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland

Ian R. Mackay

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Monash University Clayton, Victoria, Australia