Correlations between field capacity, porosity, solid particle density and dry density of a mechanically and biologically (biodried) treated reject waste stream
Nonlinear relationship of field capacity (θk) vs. porosity (n) and ρs is derived.
Second degree POL of n vs. θk correlation is derived.
First degree POL of solid particle density (ρs) vs. θk correlation is derived.
First degree POL of n vs. dry density (ρd) correlation is proposed.
Mimicking of air-pycnometer with standard geotechnical laboratory equipment.
Several parameters are crucial for the proper functioning of bioreactor landfills (BL): field capacity (θk), porosity (n), solid particle density (ρs) and dry density (ρd). This paper considers the correlations between parameters, as measured on mechanically and biologically treated waste stream suitable for a BL. In total, 53 waste samples were tested and the n, ρs and ρd values were recorded. The related θk values were calculated from the modified ρdvs. θk relationship, published by Fungaroli and Steiner (1979). Through modified expressions, the following relationships were derived: second degree polynomial n vs. θk and first degree polynomial ρsvs. θk. In addition, the first degree polynomial ρdvs. n is proposed. The outlined relationships clearly highlight the contribution of n and ρs on corresponding θk values. Therefore, for optimal operating conditions of the BL, continuous monitoring of the mentioned parameters and proper adjustment of the θk value is necessary.