Cover for Applied Polymer Science: 21st Century

Applied Polymer Science: 21st Century


Edited by:

Clara D. Craver and Charles E. Carraher, Jr.

Applied Polymer Science: 21st Century



Cover for Applied Polymer Science: 21st Century

Edited by:

Clara D. Craver and Charles E. Carraher, Jr.

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The 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering of the American Chemical Society, in 1999 sparked this third edition of Applied Pol ... read full description

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    Author Index

    Page 1043

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    Keyword index

    Pages 1045-1072

About the book


The 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering of the American Chemical Society, in 1999 sparked this third edition of Applied Polymer Science with emphasis on the developments of the last few years and a serious look at the challenges and expectations of the 21st Century.

This book is divided into six sections, each with an Associate Editor responsible for the contents with the group of Associate Editors acting as a board to interweave and interconnect various topics and to insure complete coverage. These areas represent both traditional areas and emerging areas, but always with coverage that is timely. The areas and associated chapters represent vistas where PMSE and its members have made and are continuing to make vital contributions. The authors are leaders in their fields and have graciously donated their efforts to encourage the scientists of the next 75 years to further contribute to the well being of the society in which we all live.

Synthesis, characterization, and application are three of the legs that hold up a steady table. The fourth is creativity. Each of the three strong legs are present in this book with creativity present as the authors were asked to look forward in predicting areas in need of work and potential applications. The book begins with an introductory history chapter introducing readers to PMSE. The second chapter introduces the very basic science, terms and concepts critical to polymer science and technology. Sections two, three and four focus on application areas emphasizing emerging trends and applications. Section five emphasizes the essential areas of characterization. Section six contains chapters focusing of the synthesis of the materials.

The 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering of the American Chemical Society, in 1999 sparked this third edition of Applied Polymer Science with emphasis on the developments of the last few years and a serious look at the challenges and expectations of the 21st Century.

This book is divided into six sections, each with an Associate Editor responsible for the contents with the group of Associate Editors acting as a board to interweave and interconnect various topics and to insure complete coverage. These areas represent both traditional areas and emerging areas, but always with coverage that is timely. The areas and associated chapters represent vistas where PMSE and its members have made and are continuing to make vital contributions. The authors are leaders in their fields and have graciously donated their efforts to encourage the scientists of the next 75 years to further contribute to the well being of the society in which we all live.

Synthesis, characterization, and application are three of the legs that hold up a steady table. The fourth is creativity. Each of the three strong legs are present in this book with creativity present as the authors were asked to look forward in predicting areas in need of work and potential applications. The book begins with an introductory history chapter introducing readers to PMSE. The second chapter introduces the very basic science, terms and concepts critical to polymer science and technology. Sections two, three and four focus on application areas emphasizing emerging trends and applications. Section five emphasizes the essential areas of characterization. Section six contains chapters focusing of the synthesis of the materials.









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Elsevier Science

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Clara D. Craver

Charles E. Carraher, Jr.