Cover for Ancient Therapeutic Arts

Ancient Therapeutic Arts

The Fitzpatrick Lectures Delivered in 1950 & 1951 at the Royal College of Physicians




Ancient Therapeutic Arts

The Fitzpatrick Lectures Delivered in 1950 & 1951 at the Royal College of Physicians



Cover for Ancient Therapeutic Arts



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Ancient Therapeutic Arts covers a number of the older therapeutic procedure that had dominated medicine for centuries and played their part even at the sick-beds of reigning monarc ... read full description

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    The Ancient Art of Enema Administration

    Pages 12-65

  3. Book chapterNo access

    The Ancient Art of Cupping and Leeching

    Pages 66-103

  4. Book chapterNo access

    The Ancient Art of Counter-Irritation

    Pages 104-134

  5. Book chapterNo access

    The Less Ancient Art of Intravenous Injection of Drugs

    Pages 136-162

About the book


Ancient Therapeutic Arts covers a number of the older therapeutic procedure that had dominated medicine for centuries and played their part even at the sick-beds of reigning monarchs. This book is composed of four chapters, and begins with the history, features and benefits of enema therapy. This ancient therapy is a procedure of introducing liquid or gas drug into the rectum and the colon through the anus. The second chapter describes the ancient therapeutic procedure of cupping and leeching. This chapter also examines the concept and therapeutic benefits of these procedures. The third chapter discusses the concept and method of counter-irritation. The idea of this method is to produce inflammation and this method persisted in the form of blistering agents. The last chapter looks into the history and therapeutic potentials of intravenous injection of drugs. This book is of value to medical researchers and workers who are interested in alternative methods of medicine.

Ancient Therapeutic Arts covers a number of the older therapeutic procedure that had dominated medicine for centuries and played their part even at the sick-beds of reigning monarchs. This book is composed of four chapters, and begins with the history, features and benefits of enema therapy. This ancient therapy is a procedure of introducing liquid or gas drug into the rectum and the colon through the anus. The second chapter describes the ancient therapeutic procedure of cupping and leeching. This chapter also examines the concept and therapeutic benefits of these procedures. The third chapter discusses the concept and method of counter-irritation. The idea of this method is to produce inflammation and this method persisted in the form of blistering agents. The last chapter looks into the history and therapeutic potentials of intravenous injection of drugs. This book is of value to medical researchers and workers who are interested in alternative methods of medicine.









Copyright © 1954 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



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