Cover for Analysis of Electrical Machines

Analysis of Electrical Machines



Richard T. Smith

Analysis of Electrical Machines



Cover for Analysis of Electrical Machines


Richard T. Smith

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Analysis of Electrical Machines discloses the information essential for a holistic understanding of electrical machines. The title emphasizes the effective analysis of machine perf ... read full description

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  1. Full text access
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    CHAPTER 1 - Introduction

    Pages 1-55

  3. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 2 - Commutator Machines

    Pages 56-98

  4. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 3 - Synchronous and Induction Machines

    Pages 99-184

  5. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 4 - Transient Analysis of Noncommutator Machines

    Pages 185-205

  6. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 5 - Physical Basis for Machine Inductance Parameters

    Pages 206-214

  7. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 215-216

  8. Book chapterNo access

    APPENDIX A - Matrices

    Pages 217-220

  9. Book chapterNo access

    APPENDIX B - d—q Relationships for Two or More Machines on the Same System Bus

    Pages 221-223

  10. Book chapterNo access

    APPENDIX C - Turbine Generator Constants

    Page 224

  11. Book chapterNo access


    Page 225

  12. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 227-229

About the book


Analysis of Electrical Machines discloses the information essential for a holistic understanding of electrical machines. The title emphasizes the effective analysis of machine performance. The text first covers the basic transformer and magnetically coupled circuit theory concepts, and then proceeds to tackling commutator machines. Next, the selection deals with synchronous and induction machines. The text also talks about the transient analysis of noncommutator machines. The last chapter details the physical basis for machine inductance parameters. The book will be of great use to both student and practicing electronics engineers and technicians.

Analysis of Electrical Machines discloses the information essential for a holistic understanding of electrical machines. The title emphasizes the effective analysis of machine performance. The text first covers the basic transformer and magnetically coupled circuit theory concepts, and then proceeds to tackling commutator machines. Next, the selection deals with synchronous and induction machines. The text also talks about the transient analysis of noncommutator machines. The last chapter details the physical basis for machine inductance parameters. The book will be of great use to both student and practicing electronics engineers and technicians.









Copyright © 1982 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



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Richard T. Smith