Cover for Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems

Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems

Enzymology and Subcellular Organelles


Edited by:

Ronald G. Thurman, John R. Williamson, ... Britton Chance

Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems

Enzymology and Subcellular Organelles



Cover for Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems

Edited by:

Ronald G. Thurman, John R. Williamson, ... Britton Chance

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Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems, Volume II: Enzymology and Subcellular Organelles contains some of the papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Alcohol a ... read full description

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    Pages 451-454

About the book


Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems, Volume II: Enzymology and Subcellular Organelles contains some of the papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems, held at the University of Pennsylvania in October 1976. Experts in the field from a wide variety of backgrounds tackled the problems of alcohol and aldehyde metabolism, discussed research findings, and examined controversial issues ranging from the molecular structure of enzymes to the clinical actions of alcohol in humans. Comprised of 43 chapters, this volume begins by comparing the enzymatically catalyzed oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and lactate, followed by an analysis of liver alcohol dehydrogenase and its mechanism of action. The reader is methodically introduced to the kinetics and mechanism of activated liver alcohol dehydrogenase; structural and functional changes in different alcohol dehydrogenases during evolution; and localization and properties of aldehyde reductase. Subsequent chapters deal with the correlation between the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and the structure of mitochondria; the distribution of subcellular organelles; and peroxisomes and microsomes. This book will be of value to practitioners and researchers from a variety of disciplines, including biochemistry, physiology, cell biology, and pharmacology.

Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems, Volume II: Enzymology and Subcellular Organelles contains some of the papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Alcohol and Aldehyde Metabolizing Systems, held at the University of Pennsylvania in October 1976. Experts in the field from a wide variety of backgrounds tackled the problems of alcohol and aldehyde metabolism, discussed research findings, and examined controversial issues ranging from the molecular structure of enzymes to the clinical actions of alcohol in humans. Comprised of 43 chapters, this volume begins by comparing the enzymatically catalyzed oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and lactate, followed by an analysis of liver alcohol dehydrogenase and its mechanism of action. The reader is methodically introduced to the kinetics and mechanism of activated liver alcohol dehydrogenase; structural and functional changes in different alcohol dehydrogenases during evolution; and localization and properties of aldehyde reductase. Subsequent chapters deal with the correlation between the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and the structure of mitochondria; the distribution of subcellular organelles; and peroxisomes and microsomes. This book will be of value to practitioners and researchers from a variety of disciplines, including biochemistry, physiology, cell biology, and pharmacology.









Copyright © 1977 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Academic Press

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Ronald G. Thurman

Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

John R. Williamson

The Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Henry R. Drott

The Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Britton Chance

The Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania