Cover for Aeronomy




P.M. Banks and G. Kockarts




Cover for Aeronomy


P.M. Banks and G. Kockarts

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Aeronomy, Part A is an attempt to make a comprehensive exposition of the processes in aeronomy, the study of composition, movement, and thermal balance of the upper regions of the ... read full description

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  1. Full text access
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    CHAPTER 1 - General Introduction

    Pages 1-17

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    CHAPTER 2 - The Composition of the Homosphere

    Pages 18-32

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    CHAPTER 3 - Physical Conditions of the Homosphere

    Pages 33-48

  5. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 4 - The Transition from the Homosphere to the Heterosphere

    Pages 49-65

  6. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 5 - Temperature Gradient in the Thermosphere

    Pages 66-78

  7. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 6 - Photoabsorption

    Pages 79-130

  8. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 7 - Solar Radiation and Photoionization

    Pages 131-166

  9. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 8 - Photodissociation

    Pages 167-183

  10. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 9 - Collision Processes

    Pages 184-239

  11. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 10 - Aeronomic Reactions

    Pages 240-293

  12. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 11 - Oxygen and Ozone

    Pages 294-314

  13. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 12 - Nitrogen and Nitrogen Oxides

    Pages 315-353

  14. Book chapterNo access

    CHAPTER 13 - Hydrogen Compounds and Their Effects in the Chemosphere

    Pages 354-400

  15. Book chapterNo access

    APPENDIX A - A Guide to Reactions and Reaction Coefficients

    Pages 401-409

  16. Book chapterNo access

    Author Index for Part A

    Pages 411-421

  17. Book chapterNo access

    Subject Index for Parts A and B

    Pages 422-430

About the book


Aeronomy, Part A is an attempt to make a comprehensive exposition of the processes in aeronomy, the study of composition, movement, and thermal balance of the upper regions of the planetary atmosphere. The text covers topics such as atmospheric regions and atmospheric density, the temperature and molecular mass of the atmosphere; the permanent constituents and the molecular and isotonic composition of the homosphere; and the transition from the homosphere to the heterosphere. Also covered are topics such as the temperature gradient and energies in the thermosphere, conditions at 200km and above 250km, solar radiation and ionization, and aeronomic reactions. The book is recommended for scientists, especially natural physicists, who would like to know more about the field of aeronomy and its advances.

Aeronomy, Part A is an attempt to make a comprehensive exposition of the processes in aeronomy, the study of composition, movement, and thermal balance of the upper regions of the planetary atmosphere. The text covers topics such as atmospheric regions and atmospheric density, the temperature and molecular mass of the atmosphere; the permanent constituents and the molecular and isotonic composition of the homosphere; and the transition from the homosphere to the heterosphere. Also covered are topics such as the temperature gradient and energies in the thermosphere, conditions at 200km and above 250km, solar radiation and ionization, and aeronomic reactions. The book is recommended for scientists, especially natural physicists, who would like to know more about the field of aeronomy and its advances.









Copyright © 1973 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Academic Press

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P.M. Banks

Department of Applied Physics and Information Science, University of California, San Diego, California

G. Kockarts

Institut d'Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium