Cover for Advances in High-Pressure Technology for Geophysical Applications

Advances in High-Pressure Technology for Geophysical Applications


Edited by:

Jiuhua Chen, Yanbin Wang, ... Larissa F. Dobrzhinetskaya

Advances in High-Pressure Technology for Geophysical Applications



Cover for Advances in High-Pressure Technology for Geophysical Applications

Edited by:

Jiuhua Chen, Yanbin Wang, ... Larissa F. Dobrzhinetskaya

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High-pressure mineral physics is a field that is strongly driven by the development of new technology. Fifty years ago, when experimentally achievable pressures were limited to jus ... read full description

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    Pages 511-512

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    Subject index

    Pages 513-515

About the book


High-pressure mineral physics is a field that is strongly driven by the development of new technology. Fifty years ago, when experimentally achievable pressures were limited to just 25 GPa, little was know about the mineralogy of the Earth's lower mantle. Silicate perovskite, the likely dominant mineral of the deep Earth, was identified only when the high-pressure techniques broke the pressure barrier of 25 GPa in 1970s. However, as the maximum achievable pressure reached beyond one Megabar (100 GPa) and even to the pressure of Earth’s core on minute samples, new discoveries increasingly were fostered by the development of new analytical techniques and improvements in sensitivity and precision of existing techniques.

The book consists of six sections which group the papers according to their main topics: a) Elastic and Anelastic Properties; b) Rheology; c) Melt and Glass Properties; d) Structural and Magnetic Properties; e) Diffraction and Spectroscopy; f) Pressure Calibration and Generation. As many papers cover multiple topics, readers may find papers of interest in different sections. All papers are prepared with emphasis on technical details suitable for a technical reference. Many on-line software resources are also listed in as detailed a manner as possible. However, the URL of the software sites may be subject to change without notice.

High-pressure mineral physics is a field that is strongly driven by the development of new technology. Fifty years ago, when experimentally achievable pressures were limited to just 25 GPa, little was know about the mineralogy of the Earth's lower mantle. Silicate perovskite, the likely dominant mineral of the deep Earth, was identified only when the high-pressure techniques broke the pressure barrier of 25 GPa in 1970s. However, as the maximum achievable pressure reached beyond one Megabar (100 GPa) and even to the pressure of Earth’s core on minute samples, new discoveries increasingly were fostered by the development of new analytical techniques and improvements in sensitivity and precision of existing techniques.

The book consists of six sections which group the papers according to their main topics: a) Elastic and Anelastic Properties; b) Rheology; c) Melt and Glass Properties; d) Structural and Magnetic Properties; e) Diffraction and Spectroscopy; f) Pressure Calibration and Generation. As many papers cover multiple topics, readers may find papers of interest in different sections. All papers are prepared with emphasis on technical details suitable for a technical reference. Many on-line software resources are also listed in as detailed a manner as possible. However, the URL of the software sites may be subject to change without notice.

Key Features

* State of the art in a very important branch of geophysics, namely the experimental determination of material behavior at the extreme conditions of planetary interiors
* Emphasis on technical details suitable for a technical reference
* Includes many on-line software resources

* State of the art in a very important branch of geophysics, namely the experimental determination of material behavior at the extreme conditions of planetary interiors
* Emphasis on technical details suitable for a technical reference
* Includes many on-line software resources









Copyright © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Elsevier Science

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Jiuhua Chen

Mineral Physics Institute, Department of Geosciences SUNY at Stony Brook, NY, USA

Yanbin Wang

CARS, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

Thomas S. Duffy

Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

Guoyin Shen

CARS, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

Larissa F. Dobrzhinetskaya

Department of Earth Sciences, UCA at Riverside Riverside, CA, USA