Cover for Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy

Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy



Jingbo Louise Liu and Sajid Bashir

Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy



Cover for Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy


Jingbo Louise Liu and Sajid Bashir

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Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy presents timely topics related to nanomaterials' feasible synthesis and characterization, and their application i ... read full description

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  1. Full text access
  2. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 1 - Nanomaterials and Their Application

    Pages 1-50

  3. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 2 - Overviews of Synthesis of Nanomaterials

    Pages 51-115

  4. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 3 - Nanocharacterization

    Pages 117-180

  5. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 4 - Sustainable Energy Application: Nanomaterials Applied in Solar Cells

    Pages 181-231

  6. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 5 - Sustainable Energy Application: Fuel Cells

    Pages 233-296

  7. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 6 - Porous Materials to Store Clear Energy Gases

    Pages 297-327

  8. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 7 - Carbon Capture and Storage

    Pages 329-366

  9. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 8 - Nanosafety: Exposure, Measurement, and Toxicology

    Pages 367-421

  10. Book chapterNo access

    Chapter 9 - Conclusions/Postlog

    Pages 423-424

  11. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 425-438

About the book


Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy presents timely topics related to nanomaterials' feasible synthesis and characterization, and their application in the energy fields. In addition, the book provides insights and scientific discoveries in toxicity study, with information that is easily understood by a wide audience.

Advanced energy materials are important in designing materials that have greater physical, electronic, and optical properties. This book emphasizes the fundamental physics and chemistry underlying the techniques used to develop solar and fuel cells with high charge densities and energy conversion efficiencies.

New analytical techniques (synchronous X-ray) which probe the interactions of particles and radiation with matter are also explored, making this book an invaluable reference for practitioners and those interested in the science.

Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy presents timely topics related to nanomaterials' feasible synthesis and characterization, and their application in the energy fields. In addition, the book provides insights and scientific discoveries in toxicity study, with information that is easily understood by a wide audience.

Advanced energy materials are important in designing materials that have greater physical, electronic, and optical properties. This book emphasizes the fundamental physics and chemistry underlying the techniques used to develop solar and fuel cells with high charge densities and energy conversion efficiencies.

New analytical techniques (synchronous X-ray) which probe the interactions of particles and radiation with matter are also explored, making this book an invaluable reference for practitioners and those interested in the science.

Key Features

  • Provides a comprehensive review of solar energy, fuel cells, and gas storage from 2010 to the present
  • Reviews feasible synthesis and modern analytical techniques used in alternative energy
  • Explores examples of research in alternative energy, including current assessments of nanomaterials and safety
  • Contains a glossary of terms, units, and historical benchmarks
  • Presents a useful guide that will bring readers up to speed on historical developments in alternative fuel cells
  • Provides a comprehensive review of solar energy, fuel cells, and gas storage from 2010 to the present
  • Reviews feasible synthesis and modern analytical techniques used in alternative energy
  • Explores examples of research in alternative energy, including current assessments of nanomaterials and safety
  • Contains a glossary of terms, units, and historical benchmarks
  • Presents a useful guide that will bring readers up to speed on historical developments in alternative fuel cells









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Elsevier Science

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Jingbo Louise Liu

Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX, USA

Sajid Bashir

Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX, USA