Cover for Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis

Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis

Design of Operations and Environmental Applications



Vassilis J. Inglezakis and Stavros G. Poulopoulos

Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis

Design of Operations and Environmental Applications



Cover for Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis


Vassilis J. Inglezakis and Stavros G. Poulopoulos

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Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis is essentially a mixture of environmental science and chemical reactor engineering. More specifically, three important heterogeneous processe ... read full description

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  1. Full text access
  2. Book chapterAbstract only

    1 - Air and Water Pollution

    Pages 1-30

  3. Book chapterAbstract only

    2 - Adsorption, Ion Exchange, and Catalysis

    Pages 31-56

  4. Book chapterAbstract only

    3 - Heterogeneous Processes and Reactor Analysis

    Pages 57-242

  5. Book chapterAbstract only

    4 - Adsorption and Ion Exchange

    Pages 243-353

  6. Book chapterAbstract only

    5 - Catalysis

    Pages 355-521

  7. Book chapterAbstract only

    6 - Reactors Scale-up

    Pages 523-550

  8. Book chapterNo access

    Appendix I - Physical Properties of Water, Air and Selected Compounds

    Pages 551-573

  9. Book chapterNo access

    Appendix II - Conversion of Units

    Pages 575-580

  10. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 581-593

  11. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 595-602

About the book


Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis is essentially a mixture of environmental science and chemical reactor engineering. More specifically, three important heterogeneous processes, namely, adsorption, ion exchange and catalysis, are analysed, from fundamental kinetics to reactor design with emphasis on their environmental applications. In Chapter 1, the subject of air and water pollution is dealt with. Data about pollutants and emission sources are given and the treatment methods are shortly presented. In Chapter 2, the very basics and historical development of adsorption, ion exchange and catalysis are presented as well as their environmental applications. Chapter 3 is devoted to heterogeneous processes and reactor analysis. All types of reactors are described in depth and reactor modelling, hydraulics and mass/heat transfer phenomena are examined for each type of reactor. Chapters 4 and 5 are dedicated to adsorption & ion exchange and catalysis, respectively. The basic principles are presented including kinetics, equilibrium, mass/heat transfer phenomena as well as the analytical solutions of the reactor models presented in Chapter 3. In the sixth chapter, the subject of scale up is approached.
The two Annexes at the end of the book contain physical properties of substances of environmental interest as well as unit conversion tables. Finally, nearly all the examples contained are based on real experimental data found in literature with environmental interest. Most of the examples consider all aspects of operation design – kinetics, hydraulics and mass transfer.

Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis is essentially a mixture of environmental science and chemical reactor engineering. More specifically, three important heterogeneous processes, namely, adsorption, ion exchange and catalysis, are analysed, from fundamental kinetics to reactor design with emphasis on their environmental applications. In Chapter 1, the subject of air and water pollution is dealt with. Data about pollutants and emission sources are given and the treatment methods are shortly presented. In Chapter 2, the very basics and historical development of adsorption, ion exchange and catalysis are presented as well as their environmental applications. Chapter 3 is devoted to heterogeneous processes and reactor analysis. All types of reactors are described in depth and reactor modelling, hydraulics and mass/heat transfer phenomena are examined for each type of reactor. Chapters 4 and 5 are dedicated to adsorption & ion exchange and catalysis, respectively. The basic principles are presented including kinetics, equilibrium, mass/heat transfer phenomena as well as the analytical solutions of the reactor models presented in Chapter 3. In the sixth chapter, the subject of scale up is approached.
The two Annexes at the end of the book contain physical properties of substances of environmental interest as well as unit conversion tables. Finally, nearly all the examples contained are based on real experimental data found in literature with environmental interest. Most of the examples consider all aspects of operation design – kinetics, hydraulics and mass transfer.

Key Features

* Provides basic knowledge of major environmental problems and connects them to chemical engineering

* Provides basic knowledge of major environmental problems and connects them to chemical engineering









Copyright © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Elsevier Science

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Vassilis J. Inglezakis

National Technical University of Athens Athens, Greece

Stavros G. Poulopoulos

National Technical University of Athens Athens, Greece