Cover for ABC Proteins

ABC Proteins

From Bacteria to Man


Edited by:

I. Barry Holland, Susan P.C. Cole, ... Christopher F. Higgins

ABC Proteins

From Bacteria to Man



Cover for ABC Proteins

Edited by:

I. Barry Holland, Susan P.C. Cole, ... Christopher F. Higgins

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ABC Proteins is an in-depth, up-to-date analysis of all that is known about the subject to date. It discusses and compares evolution, biology and mechanism of action of all known A ... read full description

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    Pages 625-647

About the book


ABC Proteins is an in-depth, up-to-date analysis of all that is known about the subject to date. It discusses and compares evolution, biology and mechanism of action of all known ABC proteins, including the first structural studies as well as clinical implications. It will be useful to anyone trying to stay abreast of the latest findings. This book is sure to become a classic and will regularly be updated.

ABC Proteins is an in-depth, up-to-date analysis of all that is known about the subject to date. It discusses and compares evolution, biology and mechanism of action of all known ABC proteins, including the first structural studies as well as clinical implications. It will be useful to anyone trying to stay abreast of the latest findings. This book is sure to become a classic and will regularly be updated.

Key Features

  • Phylogeny and Evoloution of ABC Transporters
  • Fundamental Aspects of the Mechanism of Action of ABC Transporters
  • Prokaryote ABC Transporters
  • Non-Mammalian Transporters
  • Multidrug Transporters
  • ABC Transporters, Physiological Roles and Human Disease
  • Full color throughout
  • Phylogeny and Evoloution of ABC Transporters
  • Fundamental Aspects of the Mechanism of Action of ABC Transporters
  • Prokaryote ABC Transporters
  • Non-Mammalian Transporters
  • Multidrug Transporters
  • ABC Transporters, Physiological Roles and Human Disease
  • Full color throughout









Copyright © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


Academic Press

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I. Barry Holland

Susan P.C. Cole

Karl Kuchler

Christopher F. Higgins