Cover for The Aesthetic Impulse

The Aesthetic Impulse




The Aesthetic Impulse



Cover for The Aesthetic Impulse



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The Aesthetic Impulse explains aesthetic as describing a significant area of the school curriculum that would include but not be confined to the creative arts. Organized into 10 ch ... read full description

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  1. Full text access
  2. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 1 - The Threat to Arts Education

    Pages 1-8

  3. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 2 - Arty a Way of Knowing

    Pages 9-17

  4. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 3 - Sensibility

    Pages 18-25

  5. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 4 - Art and Aesthetics

    Pages 26-35

  6. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 5 - The Vernacular Principle

    Pages 36-48

  7. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 6 - The Poetics of Day-dream

    Pages 49-59

  8. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 7 - Cordiality

    Pages 60-69

  9. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 8 - The Whole and the Holy

    Pages 70-79

  10. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 9 - A Cultural Education

    Pages 80-88

  11. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 10 - The System is the Enemy

    Pages 89-98

  12. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 11 - The Aesthetic Curriculum

    Pages 99-108

  13. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 12 - Ways of Working

    Pages 109-119

  14. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 13 - Assessing Aesthetic Development

    Pages 120-140

  15. Book chapterAbstract only

    CHAPTER 14 - Sensual Knowledge

    Pages 141-147

  16. Book chapterNo access


    Page 148

  17. Book chapterNo access

    Author Index

    Page 149

About the book


The Aesthetic Impulse explains aesthetic as describing a significant area of the school curriculum that would include but not be confined to the creative arts. Organized into 10 chapters, this book begins with a discussion on arts education. Subsequent chapters explain art, sensibility, aesthetics, and the vernacular principle. The concept of arts education as cultural education, which means responding to the young's needs to generate individual and group identity, is also described. Other chapters explore the aesthetic curriculum and assessment of aesthetic development.

The Aesthetic Impulse explains aesthetic as describing a significant area of the school curriculum that would include but not be confined to the creative arts. Organized into 10 chapters, this book begins with a discussion on arts education. Subsequent chapters explain art, sensibility, aesthetics, and the vernacular principle. The concept of arts education as cultural education, which means responding to the young's needs to generate individual and group identity, is also described. Other chapters explore the aesthetic curriculum and assessment of aesthetic development.









Copyright © 1984 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



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University of Exeter, U.K.