Comparative study of a mathematical epidemic model, statistical modeling, and deep learning for COVID-19 forecasting and management
Mohammad Masum is currently a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in the School of Data Science and Analytics, Kennesaw State University, under Professor Hossain Shahriar's supervision. He holds an MS in Mathematical Sciences from East Tennessee State University, USA, and an MS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research interest includes developing Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques for Health Informatics and the cybersecurity domains. He has published several peer-reviewed conference papers, available here. He is also a regular contributor at the online platform Medium.
M. A. Masud is now contributing as a post-doctoral researcher in Busan National University, South Korea. He is on leave from North South University holding the position of Assistant Professor. He completed Ph.D. from Kyungpook National University, South Korea. He has several articles published in peer-reviewed reputed journals. His research aim is to develop and use mathematical and computational tools to explore mechanisms in biology and medicine which are as diverse as epidemiology, immunology, conservation biology, to name just a few. These require skills in mathematical modeling, probabilistic modeling, stability and bifurcation analysis, optimal control theory, game theory.
Muhaiminul Islam Adnan, presently working as a lecturer in Mathematics at United International University, Bangladesh. He obtained his B.S in Mathematics and M.S in Applied Mathematics degree from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He published several journal articles in the field of numerical analysis, Statistics and epidemiology. His research interest includes epidemic modeling, numerical analysis, Machine learning, data analysis, and health science.
Dr. Hossain Shahriar is currently an Associate Professor of Information Technology and BSIT/BASIT program co-ordinator. He received his Ph.D. in Computing from Queen's University. His current research interests include application security, health information security, connected health, blockchain application, and computing education. His research has appeared in various journals and conferences including Computers and Security, Information Security Journal: Global Perspective, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, ACM Computing Surveys, Blockchain in Healthcare Today, and many conferences such as IEEE BigData, IEEE COMPSAC, SIGCSE, IEEE FIE, and ACM SAC.
Sangil Kim is an Associate Professor in Mathematics at Pusan National University and Deputy Director of Finance/Fishery/Manufacture Industrial Mathematics Center on Big Data. He is an author of many publications concerning Biomathematics, Numerical Modeling with Artificial Intelligence, Optimal Control Theory, Decomposition in main effects and interaction term in multiple contingency tables and Correspondence Analysis in presence the ordinal variables by means orthogonal polynomials and/or cumulative analysis.
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These two authors contributed equally.