Performance evaluation of Turkish Universities by an integrated Bayesian BWM-TOPSIS model
Muhammet Gul has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Munzur University, Tunceli, Turkey. He has received his MSc and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Yildiz Technical University. His research interests are in simulation modeling, healthcare system management, occupational safety and risk assessment, multi-criteria decision-making, and fuzzy sets. He is the editor-in-chief of two books released in 2020: Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Applications in Healthcare Management Science (IGI-Global) and Fine–Kinney-based fuzzy multi-criteria occupational risk assessment: Approaches, Case studies and Python applications (Springer). He is also the Associate Editor of Complex & Intelligent Systems (IF: 4.927) and Mathematical Problems in Engineering (IF: 1.305).
Melih Yucesan completed his Ph.D. and has been working as Associate Professor at the Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Munzur University, Tunceli, Turkey. He received his PhD in Econometrics from Karadeniz Technical University. His research interests are in planning, forecasting, multi-criteria decision-making and fuzzy sets. His papers appeared in international journals such as International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Applied Soft Computing, Energy Policy, Soft Computing and International Journal of Healthcare Management.