Trade, uneven development and people in motion: Used territories and the initial spread of COVID-19 in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean
Dr. Luis Fernando Chaves (Ph.D., M. Sc., Lic.) is a disease ecologist interested on the linkages between uneven development and disease emergence and transmission. Most of his work has been focused on vector-borne diseases.
Dr. Mariel Dalmi Friberg (Ph.D., B. Eng.) is an environmental engineer interested in modeling, big data analytics and remote sensing applied to air quality, wildfires and global health problems.
Ms. Lisbeth Amarilis Hurtado (M.S., Lic.) is a statistician working on infectious disease epidemiology.
Dr. Rodrigo Marín Rodríguez (M.D., M.P.H.) was the chair of epidemic surveillance in Costa Rica during the first months of the pandemic and currently chairs the Costa Rican national program for vector control.
Prof. David O'Sullivan (Ph.D., M.Sc., B.A./M.A.) is a geographer interested in complexity, spatial modeling and geographical information science (GIS).
Prof. Luke Bergman (Ph.D., M.A., B.S.) is a geographer interested in critical-computational and social-theoretic geographies. He currently holds the Canada Research Chair in GIS, Geospatial Big Data and Digital Geohumanities.