Cover for Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak

Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak

Theory and Practice


Edited by:

Weizhong Yang

Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak

Theory and Practice



Cover for Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak

Edited by:

Weizhong Yang

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Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak: Theory and Practice is divided into three parts, with the first section introducing basic theory and key technologies of early warnin ... read full description

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    Pages 361-367

About the book


Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak: Theory and Practice is divided into three parts, with the first section introducing basic theory and key technologies of early warning and the basic principles of infectious disease surveillance. The second section introduces the technical details in the process of establishment, operation and usage of CIDARS and Pudong Syndromic Surveillance and the Early Warning System of the Shanghai World Expo.

The third part explores the study of early warning technology, collecting some useful exploration in the fields of infectious diseases involving sentinel setting, data analysis, influence factors study, calculation and evaluation of early warning models.

Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak: Theory and Practice is divided into three parts, with the first section introducing basic theory and key technologies of early warning and the basic principles of infectious disease surveillance. The second section introduces the technical details in the process of establishment, operation and usage of CIDARS and Pudong Syndromic Surveillance and the Early Warning System of the Shanghai World Expo.

The third part explores the study of early warning technology, collecting some useful exploration in the fields of infectious diseases involving sentinel setting, data analysis, influence factors study, calculation and evaluation of early warning models.

Key Features

  • Provide insights into the theory and practice of early warning systems that have been evaluated and shown to be effective
  • Presents a synopsis of current state-of-the-art practices and a starting point for the development and evaluation of new methods
  • Covers applied research and complete case studies that focus on local, regional, national and international implementation
  • Includes techniques from other fields, such as intelligence and engineering
  • Explores future innovations in biosurveillance, including advances in analytical methods, modeling and simulation
  • Addresses policy and organizational issues related to the construction of biosurveillance systems
  • Provide insights into the theory and practice of early warning systems that have been evaluated and shown to be effective
  • Presents a synopsis of current state-of-the-art practices and a starting point for the development and evaluation of new methods
  • Covers applied research and complete case studies that focus on local, regional, national and international implementation
  • Includes techniques from other fields, such as intelligence and engineering
  • Explores future innovations in biosurveillance, including advances in analytical methods, modeling and simulation
  • Addresses policy and organizational issues related to the construction of biosurveillance systems









Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Academic Press

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Weizhong Yang