Cover for Banking and Finance

Banking and Finance

Managing the Moral Dimension



James J Lynch

Banking and Finance

Managing the Moral Dimension



Cover for Banking and Finance


James J Lynch

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Jim Lynch provides a fresh in-depth study of the moral pressures experienced by bankers and shows how to tackle them realistically. The reader is guided through the world of bankin ... read full description

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  1. Full text access
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    1 - A new era of banking and finance

    Pages 1-26

  3. Book chapterNo access

    2 - The moral dimension of personal behaviour in banking

    Pages 27-58

  4. Book chapterNo access

    3 - The moral dimension of organisational behaviour in banking

    Pages 59-82

  5. Book chapterNo access

    4 - The moral roots of banking and financial services

    Pages 83-106

  6. Book chapterNo access

    5 - Customers' perceptions of the moral dimension in banking

    Pages 107-132

  7. Book chapterNo access

    6 - Threats to the moral dimension in banking

    Pages 133-153

  8. Book chapterNo access

    7 - The touchstones of ethical behaviour in banking

    Pages 154-170

  9. Book chapterNo access

    8 - The ethics of stakeholder care in banking

    Pages 171-190

  10. Book chapterNo access

    9 - The ethics of relationship banking

    Pages 191-207

  11. Book chapterNo access

    10 - Towards a global moral dimension in banking

    Pages 208-225

  12. Book chapterNo access

    11 - The future of the moral dimension in banking

    Pages 226-247

  13. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 248-250

About the book


Jim Lynch provides a fresh in-depth study of the moral pressures experienced by bankers and shows how to tackle them realistically. The reader is guided through the world of banking and finance and shown in practical terms how to balance the moral aspects of banking and its other dimensions. This book treats morality and ethical behaviour as factors which have to be managed effectively if financial services are to weather the storms which lie ahead.

Jim Lynch provides a fresh in-depth study of the moral pressures experienced by bankers and shows how to tackle them realistically. The reader is guided through the world of banking and finance and shown in practical terms how to balance the moral aspects of banking and its other dimensions. This book treats morality and ethical behaviour as factors which have to be managed effectively if financial services are to weather the storms which lie ahead.









Copyright © 1994 Woodhead Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.


Woodhead Publishing

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James J Lynch