Cover for Bacterial Growth and Division

Bacterial Growth and Division

Biochemistry and Regulation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Division Cycles



Stephen Cooper

Bacterial Growth and Division

Biochemistry and Regulation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Division Cycles



Cover for Bacterial Growth and Division


Stephen Cooper

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How does a bacterial cell grow during the division cycle? This question is answered by the codeveloper of the Cooper-Helmstetter model of DNA replication. In a unique analysis of t ... read full description

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    1 - Bacterial Growth

    Pages 7-17

  3. Book chapterNo access

    2 - A General Model of the Bacterial Division Cycle

    Pages 18-24

  4. Book chapterNo access

    3 - Experimental Analysis of the Bacterial Division Cycle

    Pages 25-62

  5. Book chapterNo access

    4 - Cytoplasm Synthesis during the Division Cycle

    Pages 63-93

  6. Book chapterNo access

    5 - DNA Replication during the Bacterial Division Cycle

    Pages 94-176

  7. Book chapterNo access

    6 - Synthesis of the Cell Surface during the Division Cycle

    Pages 177-246

  8. Book chapterNo access

    7 - Density and Turgor during the Division Cycle

    Pages 247-252

  9. Book chapterNo access

    8 - Variability of the Division Cycle

    Pages 253-278

  10. Book chapterNo access

    9 - The Segregation of DNA and the Cell Surface

    Pages 279-312

  11. Book chapterNo access

    10 - Transitions and the Bacterial Life Cycle

    Pages 313-317

  12. Book chapterNo access

    11 - The Division Cycle of Caulobacter crescentus

    Pages 318-339

  13. Book chapterNo access

    12 - Growth and Division of Streptococcus

    Pages 340-357

  14. Book chapterNo access

    13 - Growth and Division of Bacillus

    Pages 358-374

  15. Book chapterNo access

    14 - The Growth Law and Other Topics

    Pages 375-388

  16. Book chapterNo access

    15 - The Eukaryotic Division Cycle

    Pages 389-428

  17. Book chapterNo access

    16 - Conservation Laws of the Division Cycle

    Pages 429-431

  18. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 432-436

  19. Book chapterNo access


    Pages 437-471

  20. Book chapterNo access

    Author Index

    Pages 473-482

  21. Book chapterNo access

    Subject Index

    Pages 483-501

About the book


How does a bacterial cell grow during the division cycle? This question is answered by the codeveloper of the Cooper-Helmstetter model of DNA replication. In a unique analysis of the bacterial division cycle, Cooper considers the major cell categories (cytoplasm, DNA, and cell surface) and presents a lucid description of bacterial growth during the division cycle.

The concepts of bacterial physiology from Ole Maaløe's Copenhagen school are presented throughout the book and are applied to such topics as the origin of variability, the pattern of DNA segregation, and the principles underlying growth transitions.

The results of research on E. coli are used to explain the division cycles of Caulobacter, Bacilli, Streptococci, and eukaryotes. Insightful reanalysis highlights significant similarities between these cells and E.coli.

With over 25 years of experience in the study of the bacterial division cycle, Cooper has synthesized his ideas and research into an exciting presentation. He manages to write a comprehensive volume that will be of great interest to microbiologists, cell physiologists, cell and molecular biologists, researchers in cell-cycle studies, and mathematicians and engineering scientists interested in modeling cell growth.

How does a bacterial cell grow during the division cycle? This question is answered by the codeveloper of the Cooper-Helmstetter model of DNA replication. In a unique analysis of the bacterial division cycle, Cooper considers the major cell categories (cytoplasm, DNA, and cell surface) and presents a lucid description of bacterial growth during the division cycle.

The concepts of bacterial physiology from Ole Maaløe's Copenhagen school are presented throughout the book and are applied to such topics as the origin of variability, the pattern of DNA segregation, and the principles underlying growth transitions.

The results of research on E. coli are used to explain the division cycles of Caulobacter, Bacilli, Streptococci, and eukaryotes. Insightful reanalysis highlights significant similarities between these cells and E.coli.

With over 25 years of experience in the study of the bacterial division cycle, Cooper has synthesized his ideas and research into an exciting presentation. He manages to write a comprehensive volume that will be of great interest to microbiologists, cell physiologists, cell and molecular biologists, researchers in cell-cycle studies, and mathematicians and engineering scientists interested in modeling cell growth.

Key Features

  • Written by one of the codiscoverers of the Cooper-Helmstetter model
  • Applies the results of research on E. coli to other groups, including Caulobacter, Bacilli, Streptococci, and eukaryotes; the Caulobacter reanalysis highlights significant similarities with the E. coli system
  • Presents a unified description of the bacterial division cycle with relevance to eukaryotic systems
  • Addresses the concepts of the Copenhagen School in a new and original way
  • Written by one of the codiscoverers of the Cooper-Helmstetter model
  • Applies the results of research on E. coli to other groups, including Caulobacter, Bacilli, Streptococci, and eukaryotes; the Caulobacter reanalysis highlights significant similarities with the E. coli system
  • Presents a unified description of the bacterial division cycle with relevance to eukaryotic systems
  • Addresses the concepts of the Copenhagen School in a new and original way









Copyright © 1991 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Academic Press

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Stephen Cooper

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan