Cover for Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia

Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia

Status, Challenges, and Policy Options


Edited by:

Suresh Chandra Babu and Pramod K. Joshi

Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia

Status, Challenges, and Policy Options



Cover for Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia

Edited by:

Suresh Chandra Babu and Pramod K. Joshi

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Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia: Status, Challenges, and Policy Options is based on agricultural extension reforms across five South Asian countries, reflecting past e ... read full description

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    Pages 377-392

About the book


Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia: Status, Challenges, and Policy Options is based on agricultural extension reforms across five South Asian countries, reflecting past experiences, case studies and experiments. Beginning with an overview of historical trends and recent developments, the book then delves into country-wise reform trajectories and presents several cases testing the effectiveness of different types (public and private) and forms (nutrition extension, livestock extension) of extension systems. Further, the book provides a comprehensive overview of challenges and constraints faced in formulating and implementing reforms, tying the results into a concrete set of lessons and highlighting areas that require further research.

In addition, the book discusses how a major aspect of agricultural development is the productivity increase from the knowledge base of farmers, and how translating research results into a knowledge base for farmers requires designing and implementing well-functioning extension programs.

Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia: Status, Challenges, and Policy Options is based on agricultural extension reforms across five South Asian countries, reflecting past experiences, case studies and experiments. Beginning with an overview of historical trends and recent developments, the book then delves into country-wise reform trajectories and presents several cases testing the effectiveness of different types (public and private) and forms (nutrition extension, livestock extension) of extension systems. Further, the book provides a comprehensive overview of challenges and constraints faced in formulating and implementing reforms, tying the results into a concrete set of lessons and highlighting areas that require further research.

In addition, the book discusses how a major aspect of agricultural development is the productivity increase from the knowledge base of farmers, and how translating research results into a knowledge base for farmers requires designing and implementing well-functioning extension programs.

Key Features

  • Presents the current challenges and solutions by region, and provides insights for application in global settings
  • Provides key foundational information for the effective and efficient design of future intervention programs
  • Includes workshops and presentations based on real-world research of specific aspects of extension systems and provision of advisory and consultation services to various governments
  • Presents the current challenges and solutions by region, and provides insights for application in global settings
  • Provides key foundational information for the effective and efficient design of future intervention programs
  • Includes workshops and presentations based on real-world research of specific aspects of extension systems and provision of advisory and consultation services to various governments









Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Academic Press

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Suresh Chandra Babu

International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, United States

Pramod K. Joshi

South Asia Office, South Asia Region (SAR), International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, United States