Cover for Aging, Ageism and Abuse

Aging, Ageism and Abuse

Moving from Awareness to Action


Edited by:

Gloria Gutman and Charmaine Spencer

Aging, Ageism and Abuse

Moving from Awareness to Action



Cover for Aging, Ageism and Abuse

Edited by:

Gloria Gutman and Charmaine Spencer

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Population aging is occurring worldwide. Reports of abuse and neglect of older men and women are also evident on a global basis. While much of the work on identification, treatment ... read full description

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    Chapter 1 - Social issues and social policy response to abuse and neglect of older adults

    Patricia Brownell

    Pages 1-15

  3. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 2 - Abuse in later life: When and how does gender matter?

    Jill Hightower

    Pages 17-29

  4. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 3 - The invisible problem of abused older men

    Jordan I. Kosberg

    Pages 31-43

  5. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 4 - Abuse of lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual elders

    Chris Morrissey

    Pages 45-51

  6. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 5 - Union perspectives on abuse prevention in long-term care: current situation, future possibilities

    Marcy Cohen

    Pages 53-63

  7. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 6 - Abuse of older adults: An Ontario criminal justice perspective

    Patricia Fleischmann

    Pages 65-81

  8. Book chapterAbstract only

    Chapter 7 - Seneca College’s design for social change course: An example of successful collaboration

    Paul Shecter and Patricia Fleischmann

    Pages 83-100

About the book


Population aging is occurring worldwide. Reports of abuse and neglect of older men and women are also evident on a global basis. While much of the work on identification, treatment and prevention of abuse of older persons has been within the family setting, it cannot be separated from the broader experience of growing old in contemporary society. Time and time again, issues around legislation, policy and practice collide with human rights, societal attitudes and stereotypes.

Raising awareness of the link among aging, ageism and abuse, is one goal of this book and a necessary first step in the battle to eliminate abuse and neglect of older persons. But awareness is not enough, action needs to be taken to develop, case finding procedures and remedial and preventive policies and programs that are elder-friendly both in intent and in the way that they are implemented. This book offers a thought-provoking examination of selected current policies and programs that have been developed within the health, social services and criminal justice systems. It highlights the special issues and vulnerabilities of older women, older men and persons from the LGTB community. It also features a unique approach to reaching young people through an educational program that shapes attitudes and behavior via graphic art.

Population aging is occurring worldwide. Reports of abuse and neglect of older men and women are also evident on a global basis. While much of the work on identification, treatment and prevention of abuse of older persons has been within the family setting, it cannot be separated from the broader experience of growing old in contemporary society. Time and time again, issues around legislation, policy and practice collide with human rights, societal attitudes and stereotypes.

Raising awareness of the link among aging, ageism and abuse, is one goal of this book and a necessary first step in the battle to eliminate abuse and neglect of older persons. But awareness is not enough, action needs to be taken to develop, case finding procedures and remedial and preventive policies and programs that are elder-friendly both in intent and in the way that they are implemented. This book offers a thought-provoking examination of selected current policies and programs that have been developed within the health, social services and criminal justice systems. It highlights the special issues and vulnerabilities of older women, older men and persons from the LGTB community. It also features a unique approach to reaching young people through an educational program that shapes attitudes and behavior via graphic art.

Key Features

  • Clear, straightforward writing style - reader does not have to contend with murky theories and obscure references
  • Practical approach – readers can relate to the examples that are provided of situations in which abuse and neglect has or can occur
  • Clear, straightforward writing style - reader does not have to contend with murky theories and obscure references
  • Practical approach – readers can relate to the examples that are provided of situations in which abuse and neglect has or can occur









Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved



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Gloria Gutman

Charmaine Spencer